Do You Ever Dumb Yourself Down ???
I've spent a lot of hours during my life time on self enhancement activities, general reading, travel AND I've paid a lot for my formal "edumacation" no way am I going to dumb down. If the person is down right stupid that's another story.........I just step

Change is a Process Not an Event
No. I will speak to their level of understanding when choosing my words. I'll also explain a concept if I think its unfamiliar to someone, but that's it. The average person easily grasps more than you may think.
Or for a man ?
HELL NO. I have no use for a dumb man, ever.
Or to make someone else shine ?
And no again. I will sit back and allow them to take the lead. They will shine on their own if its going to happen.
I dumb down in one situation: Playing unknowledgeble dumb ass is more likely to get me what I want/ need. There are times when its much easier than intelligent discussion/ debate.
The real dumb ass or a sympathetic individual gets to be in control and 'handle' the situation. They are in the power seat and my being the humble fool allows them to exercise that power on my behalf. I used it recently at the county utility office. I left with exactly what I needed.

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For family or friends who are less educated ?
No. I am who I am and there's no point in trying to play like I'm less than... It's actually an insult to the other person. Just don't assume they know everything that you are talking about and don't make them feel bad about not knowing.
Or for a man ?
No. I don't find dumb men attractive and I won't play dumb for a smart man either. He either likes me the way I am or not.
Or to make someone else shine ?
No. They will step up on their own or they won't. They need to do their best and if it outshines me then that's the way it should be.
on 5/10/10 11:27 am
A lot of the young women I spoke to today share your idea.
I heard a lot of it is just easier sometimes. Some girls said it intimidates their men when they "flex" their knowledge and so they will play dumb.
But a lot of them felt the way the others posted also.
It was a wide variety of views.